Success Story

Robotic Process Automation of Payroll

Divurgent’s automation of payroll results in faster, more accurate payroll processing
doctor with a calculator tablet and laptop

Our Partner

An independent group of physicians and advanced practice providers


Payroll Automation, Data Analysis


Reduced payroll processing time from 72 hours to 15 minutes while eliminating delays in payment and payroll errors

The Challenge

Our client, an independent group of physicians and advanced practice providers, engaged Divurgent to assist with pre-implementation planning for new ERP and CRM systems. As part of the engagement, we identified significant manual work required to process payroll. Additionally, our client felt there was an opportunity to improve structure and safeguards to protect sensitive information through data management and security best practices.

The Solution

Automated Payroll Calculations
Our tool ingests data from EHR, RVU models, collaboration stipends, and deductions to automatically calculate payroll per facility per provider.

Customized Pay Statements
Physicians and advance practice providers are automatically sent a customized pay statement when payroll is processed.

Structured and Secure Database
Rather than Excel spreadsheets that are prone to errors, we developed an encrypted, password protected database to store sensitive payroll information.

Scalable Solution
The new payroll solution will grow with our client as it adds physicians. The previous tools, including Excel, took up to 30 minutes to load. The new tool takes 15 seconds to process and 15 minutes for QA.

The Result

Faster Payroll Processing
Reduce payroll processing time from 72 hours to 15 minutes

Reduce or Eliminate Delays in Payment
Prior to automating payroll, our client experienced two payroll delays over the previous 12 months

Reduce or Eliminate Errors in Payroll
Prior to automating payroll, our client experienced 12 errors over the previous 12 months

Incorporation of Change Management & Security
Incorporation of a structured change management approach to editing payroll information and securing databases

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